Hitachi Gourd Brand valves
Gourd Brand valves, developed with a proven triad of fruid control equipment development, casting and electronics technologies, are available in a range of materials malleable iron, cast steel, stainless steel, bronze and gray cast iron. Equipped valves now fill a variety of needs as key elements for fluid control in steam, oil, gas and water systems.
Hitachi Valve, Ltd. offers a variety of unique and distinctive products developed to feature greater safety and reliability and more complete satisfaction of market needs. These products reflect the wealth of experience and technologies accumulated over many years, as well as the continual enhancement of manufacturing technologies and materials to meet today's requirements. These products have earned for Hitachi Valve the great trust of customers in a broad range of industrial fields
Hitachi Gourd Brand malleable iron valved stand up under pressure. This is the because each is mass-produced using high-ly advanced techniques and equipment. Hitachi's vast specialized technology, as a total valve manufacturer, further enhances staying power to enable gourd brand valves to perform well under extra severe.